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spinal-column-246273_640,enThe spine is a complex structure consisting anatomical bony structures hinged together (vertebrae) and a system of muscles and ligaments that confer functional unit. Holds head, shoulders, body weight, allows us to stand upright, articular trunk movements, serves as an anchor point for muscles and internal organs and protects the spinal cord.

It has three distinct areas: the upper or cervical region, seven vertebrae; the middle or dorsal region, comprise twelve vertebrae; and the lumbar region or lower, consists of five vertebrae. The twenty-four vertebrae that make up the three zones are mobile and between each pair of vertebrae is spongy cartilage, o disco. Intervertebral disks act as shock-absorbing impacts. At the bottom of the column there are two other regions formed by welded vertebrae lacking mobility, are the sacral area consists of five vertebrae and the coccygeal, formed by three or four vertebrae by person.

Main problems of the spine

  • Backache
    Is responsible for a high percentage of sick leave and is among the top reasons for consulting a physician. Arthritis, degenerative wear and breakage affecting the joints and the disks, and a variety of other abnormalities that cause pain, numbness and weakness are problems that can affect the back. The problems in the lumbar region may affect the leg and foot, while problems in the cervical region may affect the arms and hands.
  • Fractures
    Broken vertebrae. In elderly can be treated with minimally invasive methods such as kyphoplasty, by injecting a special cement which lift the vertebral body collapse. Sometimes fixings shall be required by rods and screws in the vertebral pedicle.
  • Sprains
    Ligament injuries.
  • Pinched nerve
    Radiculopathy or nerve impingement is an injury to the nerve root causing motor or sensory loss. It can be treated in a minimally invasive endoscopic removal by column, and when this is not possible using the classical laminectomy.
  • Vertebral instabilities
    Require stabilization by fixing, sometimes you can make so percutaneous, namely, with minimum approach.
  • Osteoarthritis
    Pathology of the intervertebral disc
  • Discitis
    Discitis is an inflammatory process involving the intervertebral disc and the vertebral body surface.
  • Cifosis
    La cifosis de espalda es una curvatura anormal de la columna que provoca un arqueamiento en forma de joroba o postura agachada.
  • Scoliosis
    La escoliosis es una desviación de la columna vertebral de lado a lado que provoca una curvatura en forma de S o de C.
  • Narrow channel.
    Sometimes distractions can be treated by lamellar interapofisarios, that can be placed percutaneously


Maintaining the health of the spine

A healthy lifestyle will help prevent back pain:

Combine walking or swimming, with specific exercises to keep the muscles of the back and abdomen, strong and flexible.

Vigile su peso
Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight puts more pressure on the spine and lower back.

Avoid smoking
Snuff consumption accelerates aging of the spine.

Maintain proper posture
Good posture is important to prevent back problems. Take care of the way you stand, sits and stir things up, how does it have an effect on the health of your spine.


What can I do if I have a severe back pain radiating to the leg and can not even move?
The safest, especially if you have a history of intense efforts, is having a herniated disc. MRI of spine was undertaken to confirm the diagnosis. If pain persists after 3 the 4 weeks of rest and treatment, and no neurological symptoms persist or (your doctor will confirm) is better operase of disk herniation.

What can happen if I do not I trade for a herniated disc?
If the hernia is located in an area that does not compress spinal nerve roots, eventually reabsorbed and sent symptoms, can appear other symptoms related to vertebral instability or discartrosis. If the hernia compromises nerve structures, will depend on the degree of compression, if this is minimal, probably with rehabilitation the problem disappear. However, If this is important, generate muscle atrophy and weakness then be unrecoverable. So in this case it is better to operate.


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